

等位接続詞(and, but, or, so, etc. …)


You or I must go there.

I sat up late last night, but I'm not sleepy today.




① 名詞節(that, whether, etc. …)

They said that it rained a lot in their country.

② 副詞節(when, if, because, though, etc. …)

When I was a child, I ofen went swimming in the river.


1. 時

after / before / since / till / when / while / as soon as / etc. …

2. 原因・理由

as / because / since / now (that) / etc. …

3. 目的

so that / in case / lest / for fear (that) / etc. …

4. 程度・結果

so~that / such~that / ~, so that / etc. …

5. 条件・仮定

if / once / unless / supposing[suppose] (that) / etc. …

6. 譲歩

though[although] / even if[though] / whether / no matter + 接続詞 / etc. …

7. その他

as if[though] / except (that) / etc. …



1. 駅までタクシーで飛ばしたが、上野行きの最終電車はちょうど出て行くところであった。

2. 君が残業をしないと、我々は来週までにこの仕事を終わらせることができないよ。

3. 我々は自分の生活の仕方に慣れていて、異なった考えや習慣を持つ人々は変わって見える。

4. (今年は台風が多い。) 1つ通過したと思うともう次の台風が太平洋に発生している。




「飛ばす」は、「急いでいく」と考えhasten , hurry。(自分で運転する場合は drive fast だが、ここでは不適)

「(電車が)出て行く」は、pull out, start (out), leave。

I hastened to the station by taxi, but the last train (bound) for Ueno was just starting (out).

Though[Although] I hurried to the station by taxi, the last train for Ueno just was just pulling out.


「残業する」は、work[do] overtime, work extra hours。

「仕事」は、job, task。

Work overtime, or we cannot get through this job by next week.

If you don't work extra hours[Unless you work extra hours], we won't be able to finish this task by next week.


「生活の仕方」は、way of life, way of living, life-style。

「考えや習慣」は、thoughts and habits, ideas and customs, views and manners。

「見える」は、appear, seem。

We are used to our own way of life, and[so] those who have differnet ideas and customs seem strange to us.

Because[Since] we are used to our own life-style, other people with different thoughts and habits appear strange to us.

4. (We have had many[a lot of] typhoons this year. )

「発生する」は、start, form, appear。

As soon as one typhoon has gone away, another typhoon has started in the Pacific Ocean.

The moment one typhoon has passed by, another typhoon has already formed in the Pacific Ocean.





1. もし遅刻したら、君はどんな言い訳をするつもりかね。

excuse / you / are / supposing / what / make / you / will / late / ?

2. このセーターを着ないと君はきっと風邪をひくよ。

catch / sweater / put / you / this / are / to / or /on / cold / sure

3. そこではバスが運行されていないから、2時間歩かなくてはならない。

is / walk / since / two hours / service / have to / there / there / bus / we / for / no

4. 今日の金融恐慌は、日本政府が適切な措置を取らなかったために起きた。

the Japanese / because / not / government  / today's / taken / proper / financial panic / had / happened / action



1. 新しい家が見つかったらすぐに、私は彼女と結婚するつもりだ。

2. 彼はあらゆる努力をしたが、結局自分の夢を実現できなかった。

3. 彼女の怒りはすさまじく、見つけたものすべてを彼に投げつけた。(Such で始めること)




1. Supposing you are late, What excuse will you make ?

「if」の代用として、supposing[suppose] (that)…, providing[provided] (that) …、etc. …。

「言い訳をする」は、make a excuseであるから、「どんな言い訳をするのか」は、What excuse … make ?。

2. Put on this sweater, or you are sure to catch cold.

3. Since there is no bus service there, we  have to walk for two hours.

4. Because the Japanese government had not taken proper action, today's financial panic happend.



1. As soon as I find a new house, I will get married with her.

「…したらすぐに」は、as soon as …, the moment[minute;instant] …, etc. …。

2. He made every effort, but he couldn't realize his dream in the end.

Though he made every effort, he couldn't make his dream come true after all.

3. Such was her anger that she threw at him whatever she found.

「Sは大変なもので…」は、Such be S that。この構文は S be such that … のsuch を強調のために文頭に移動させたもの。

「~を彼に投げつける」は、throw ~ at 人。

「ものすべて」は、whatever, anything which。