< 解法のポイント >
1. Students devote themselves to their studies.とstudents are encouraged to get part-time jobs.から判断します。
3. (Y)の直前の、”不運にも/私には決して機会がなかった/使うための/私のお金を”、から判断します。
4. "to be trusted and to help parents enjoy a night out "によって自分がどんな気持ちになるか、考えます。
5. "part-time jobs provide valuable experience for children, promote responsibility and train young people for the world of work"を要約する。
[5] What can we do to protect the environment? Write at least 4 sentences.
We can do that we stop wasting water, paper and so on.
We can do that we don't buy extra food.
We can do that we don't use the air-conditioner as much as possible.
We can do that we don't burn plastic not to release harmful substances.
We can do that we don't stay up till late at night not to waste electricity.
( We can do that we go to bed early and turn off all the light every day. )
We can do that we don't throw away empty cans and bottles and put them in the trash can.
( We can do that we always put empty cans and bottles in the trash can. )